You’ve looked forward with great anticipation to the day you stepped into the role of being a mother. You’ve planned and prepared for months, maybe years, for this! Congratulations!
Transitioning to being a new mother can be quite a process, and with it comes adjustments, sacrifice and also, tremendous blessing. This transition and possible hormonal changes may lead to anxiety, depression, stress on your marriage, and, most likely, some sleepless nights. You may want to be the best mother you can be but are now feeling inadequate or overwhelmed. You may feel guilty for feeling this way.
Maybe you want to parent differently than you were parented. Maybe you long to have a relationship with your child that you didn’t have with your own mother.
It’s ok to ask for help. It doesn’t mean you are weak. It means you are willing and humble.
For some women, a morning run, a healthy diet and receiving help and support from family and friends are sufficient enough to get through the initial adjustment period. For others, talking to a therapist who specializes in dealing with new motherhood issues can be comforting, relieving and enlightening.
Give me a call today, send me a message or request an appointment online. I’m here to help.